Anybus AB9007 Modbus-TCP Master/Profinet Gateway USB, RJ-45, Ethernet 24 V DC

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Anybus AB9007 Modbus-TCP Master/Profinet Gateway USB, RJ-45, Ethernet 24 V DC

he AnyBus X gateway Modbus TCP on PROFINET IO is an intelligent gateway for integrating Modbus TCP-based field devices into a PROFINET IO network.

The X-gateway is primarily intended for the transmission of cyclic I/O data between the two networks, thus relieving the PLC of additional tasks. The gateway is a slave in the PROFINET IO network and a full master/client in the Modbus TCP network. Data transfer is transparent and up to 256 bytes of I/O data can be transferred in any direction.

The gateway is configured via Ethernet and the integrated configuration web page. On this website, the settings for Ethernet TCP/IP are made, the Modbus TCP client/server is configured and the I/O data size is defined, which is to be exchanged between Modbus TCP and PROFINET IO.

Features and benefits
Fast exchange of cyclic I/O data between a Modbus TCP and a PROFINET IO network (5 ms)
Enables the integration of Modbus TCP-based server/slave devices into a PROFINET IO network
Due to the full Modbus TCP client/master functionality, no PLC is required in the Modbus TCP network
Exchange of up to 256 bytes of I/O data in each direction
Save configurations to SD card for quick configuration and easy device replacement
Robust stand-alone housing for use in harsh industrial environments
Qualified, personalized support

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